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Stamped Metal Components
From the initial enquiry to serial production: development, engineering, project management, tool production, quality assurance, production and logistics
Development / Engineering
«Engineering requires imagination and creativity»
In cooperation with you, we plan, develop and design superior stamped and bent parts. Our project teams use sophisticated simulation and CAD programs to develop the most complex stamped and bent parts, as well as the corresponding tools. We support you with feasibility studies, drafting of concepts, technical project management or the construction and detailing of tools.
Our know-how leads to an accelerated development of your products with technical optimisation by means of simulation tools. Our Unipress professionals develop and design high-quality progressive tools with CAD support. CAD-CAM coupling supports optimal tool production.

Project management
«First priority - customer satisfaction»
Our customer projects are handled professionally and in a timely manner - and always within the framework conditions required by the automotive industry.
We start by working out detailed individual offers and clarifying any technical issues. During project implementation, we continue to exchange information on a regular basis.
Tool manufacture
Precision for progressive dies and transfer tools
Our many years of experience guarantee, that you can use excellent tools with the longest service lives, that output the highest level of product quality.
We offer high-quality tools for your own in-house manufacturing processes or for manufacturing your parts in our high-performance production department.

Quality management
«High quality standards motivate us»
The manufacturing process is assured using state-of-the-art control and measuring instruments. Experienced personnel with many years of training use production-accompanying process monitoring methods to guarantee process capability for the production of drawing-compliant parts.
«In production, quality and flexibility are decisive factors.»
With our highly skilled staff, we produce on high-speed stamping machines with a press force up to 400 tons. Stamping operations are monitored by the latest control equipment. The tools that we use are produced in-house or supplied by our customers.
The completion of the manufacturing process is ensured by our degreasing system, providing you with ready-to-install parts. We also offer component assembly on demand.
«Logistics - more than just transport»
Together with you, we develop part-specific and optimal packaging and transport concepts.
From the procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the products, comprehensive logistics processes are our strength.

Flexible Shaft Components: Planning & Selection
In order to select the right flexible shaft, you must specify its operational requirements, in particular the maximum torque and power to be transmitted, as well as the operating speed.
Selection sequence:
1. Clarify operational requirements.
2. Select diameter and correct combination of shaft core and protective casing.
3. Select end connections and accessories.
Components of a flexible shaft
Components of a flexible shaft

The torque to be transmitted and the matching shaft core size (and derived therefrom also the size of the protective casing) can be determined on the basis of power and speed using the formula given below. The values indicated in the size tables apply for a respective speed of 20% of the maximum speed and with a straight installation. At higher speeds the maximum torque decreases proportionally. The maximum admissible torque as specified in the table may not be exceeded as it can cause the shaft to be permanently deformed.

Power Rating
Power Rating

Direction of rotation
Direction of rotation
Flexible shafts differ both in their construction and in their direction of winding. A left-wound shaft (related to its outermost layer) can transmit a higher torque in clockwise direction than in counterclockwise direction; a right-wound shaft can transmit a higher torque in counterclockwise direction. Depending on the shaft construction, the shaft can have approximately the same strength in both directions.

Figure 1:
Left-wound outermost layer for operation in clockwise (right-hand) direction
Figure 2:
Right-wound outermost layer for operation in counterclockwise (left-hand) direction
In-service geometry
In-service geometry
Since the in-service geometry has an effect on how much power can be transmitted, flexible shafts should be installed with as large radii as possible.
Influence of the bend radius on transmittable power
The torques and speeds indicated in the table are applicable for operation in a relatively unbent condition. If the shaft is operated in a strongly bent condition, the values will fall below those indicated. The diagrams given below show guideline values for the maximum admissible power transmission as a function of the operating radius.
Minimum Bend Radius
Minimum Bend Radius
The maximum admissible operational shaft bend radius is designated the “Minimum bend radius”.

In-service radius
In-service radius
Since flexible shafts lessen the need for an exact alignment of motor and tool unit, the tool design can be simplified. In the case of a parallel misalignment between drive and tool unit, the bend radius can be calculated as follows:

Special operating conditions
Special operating conditions
In order to operate flexible shafts optimally, the environment in which they will be used must also be considered. For example, extremely high or low temperatures, moisture, corrosive influences, dust, magnetic fields or vibrations can play a role here. Such factors can influence the choice of materials for core and casing as well as their fabrication. Our technical departments will gladly offer their advice here.
Important criteria
Important criteria
When selecting core, casing and end coupling, the following factors should also be considered:
- Longevity
- Flexibility
- Weight
- Continuous or intermittent operation
- Fast toolholder change
- Ratio between shaft length and coupling length
- Difference in length of core and casing
Torsional deflection
Torsional deflection
Corresponds to the angle of torsional deflection of a shaft under load. The desired maximum degree of torsional deflection is one of the parameters that determine the required diameter and type of the shaft. The angle of torsional deflection is proportional to the torque and the length of the shaft.
Torsional deflection

Y = Torsional deflection at applied torque [°]
S = Stiffness factor according to table [°/10 Ncm/m]
Mb = Applied torque [Ncm]
L = Length of shaft [m]
Breaking torque

Under this torque, the shaft will break or twist until permanently deformed. The corresponding figures are given in the sizing tables.
Reduction in degree of torsional deflection
The degree of torsional deflection in a flexible shaft changes proportionally to the torque. To keep the deflection (and the load) as low as possible, the flexible shaft should be operated at the highest possible speed. If the speed is increased, the gearbox should be installed on the motor (drive) side; if it is reduced, the gearbox should be situated on the tool side.
Speed, Shaft guiding, Length
The maximum speed of a flexible shaft is indicated in the table. The admissible speed depends on the installation situation and the torque to be transmitted.
Shaft guiding
As a rule of thumb, the shaft should be guided starting at values between 20 and 30 x . Not every protective casing is suitable for all applications (e.g. due to frictional heat). For the ratio between shaft diameter and inside casing diameter, 1:1.2 can be assumed as a general rule.
In practice, depending on application and shaft diameter, flexible shafts with lengths of up to 15 m have proven successful.
Casings, Servicing
In the case of high-speed rotary cores and cores longer than 5 to 8 cm, a protective casing is recommended to assure the following:
- Occupational health and safety for personnel and equipment.
- Ability to handle the shaft while it rotates.
- Protection and sustained lubrication of the of the rotating shaft.
- Continuous guiding and support of the core. (Torsion shafts can be secured with guide rings.)
- Smooth operation.
- No “looping” of the rotating core during operation under torsional load.
- Shock absorption and absorption of push-pull forces.
The service required depends on the prevailing working conditions. With normal use without adverse conditions (moisture, heat, dust, etc.), the core should be cleaned and greased after about 200 operating hours. Under extreme conditions, e.g. wetness, cleaning and greasing are recommended after 50 operating hours.
X Last number:
1 for operation in clockwise (right-hand) direction
2 for operation in counterclockwise (left-hand) direction
1. Min. bend radius: The bend radius cannot be smaller than this value.
2. Torsional deflection: Torsional deflection angle over 1 m of shaft with a torque of 10 Ncm.
3. Breaking torque: At this load the shaft will break.
4. Max. torque: Values applicable for a straight shaft at a speed of 20% of the respective maximum rated speed.

Gear Metal Components: Design and Testing
Spiral bevel gears for different manufacturing divisions
Suhner offers you:
- Computer-aided calculation processes.
- On-site technical support through highly trained personnel.
- Bevel gear testing using the latest computer-aided evaluation software.
Cyclo-Palloid toothing manufacturing range
Machine type F 41 B KNC 25
Modul range [Mn] 0.5-1.5 1.5-5.5
Pressure angle [°] 17.5 20
Diameter range [mm] 6-140 10-275
Hobbing method Cyclo-palloid soft toothing
Palloid toothing manufacturing range
Machine type AFK 151
Modul range [Mn] 1-4
Pressure angle [°] 20
Diameter range [mm] 10-275
Hobbing method Regular palloid toothing
HPGS Cyclo-Palloid Hard Cut manufacturing range
Machine type KNC 25
Modul range [Mn] 3.0 - 5.5
Pressure angle [°] 20
Diameter range [mm] 10-275
Hobbing method HPGS Cyclo-Palloid Hard Cut
Machine type PSKE 900
Module range [Mn] 0.5 - 5.5
Pressure angle [°] All
Diameter range [mm] 10-275
Method Single-flank rolling contact testing machine
Our PSKE 900 single-flank rolling contact system measures and respectively checks the quality of newly manufactured bevel gears. The PSKE 900 can also determine the dimension values necessary for optimized installation and, last but not least, generate simulations of various installation configurations.
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